Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Asheville RDR Aftermath!

So there we were, in a town of craft beers, drinking PBR, invading the Asheville Red Dress Run. There was some running, some walking, some more beers drank. Cumstop had a birthday so there was cake at some point. Plus some tequila and throwing up.

In between all that there was the tradition of circle. The shitty RA only allowed one accusation. Because Dick In Hand spent so much time getting down on one knee to tie his shoe.

I made that part up.

Turns out three Red Dresses ago he met someone and that was long enough for him to think it over and decide maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to ask our very own transplant Goes Down On The Rebound for her hand in marriage.

And then there was more throwing up.

Seriously, it was a great moment with few dry eyes and we are overjoyed to have been a part of it.

Congratulations, you crazy kids! On-On!

I guess you could call this a hash trash.

- Sex-A-Sketch!

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