October is for PINK DRESS and NEW HAB!
Taking pre-orders now for Pink Dress pick up!
$17 ($22 shipped!) S-3XL. Send orders via PayPal to RogueNorthH3@gmail.com with the following to order:
1. Hash name
2. Nerd name
3. Size
4. Pick up at pink dress (10/9/21) for orders received before 8am on Thursday 9/30.
5. All others will be held until we see you or shipped for an extra $5. Give us your mailing address.
6. Super sweet add on - personalize the back with your name (nerd or hash) for an extra $5 thanks to the awesome Twatwaffle! (Delayed delivery)
7. Register for Pink Dress for fucks sake.
Direct all questions & complaints to Sex-A-Sketch!